Embrace the grey areas in your life
That’s what my therapist told me after the first session — stop being so hard on yourself in life and stop measuring yourself against “perfections” that don’t exist, start embracing the little things you have in life you never realised.
Went for a long long hike by myself in MacRitchie and my soul haven’t felt so alive in a long while. I was taking my own sweet time strolling on the well-constructed wooden paths by the lake while people rushed past me , not sure what for but perhaps all with one mission in mind, that is to finish the “11km route and reward themselves with a good lunch (trust me i heard that 3 times “let’s walk faster to finish this so we can eat a good meal”). Often we are so focused and obsessed with the end goal that we forget to slow down and child, you will be fine and we will get there.
everyone progress at a different pace — take your time.